Thursday, December 11, 2008

Front Door {LOVE}

I don't know what it is with my front porch and hallway, but they seem to be capturing my imagination a lot these days.

Today I want to show off my perfectly awesome front door. Who says decorating needs to be high-brow? I think I've already proved that low-budget can be incredibly cute. And elegant. And now I'm about to prove that it can be just plain cool. (Please allow me this bit of ego and excitement!)

Introducing, my winter front door!

And it looks super cool from the outside too!

Here's what you need to do it:

white paper
paper in varying shades of grey and blue
scotch tape

Oh, and this website for cutting out paper snowflakes. I can't believe it took me almost 30 years to discover how to make paper snowflakes properly! This method of folding them makes life so much easier. I didn't follow any of their patterns because it's fun to make your own. But theirs is a good place to get started.

And, if you want to go whole hog with this project, you can try your hand with these very intricate paper snowflakes. (I just don't have the patience for that!).

I made about 100 snowflakes in total in three varying sizes. My helping hint to pass along to you is don't use thick paper. Even scrap book paper is a little too thick. Try computer paper and I think maybe construction paper would work too. Or even newspaper comics. Why? Because when you have your squares folded into triangles for cutting, the thicker the paper, the harder it is to do detailed cuts, you know, like straight lines and curves. Also, when you do manage to cut through all the layers, the little pieces go flying "pewpew!" all over your kitchen. Today I found trinagles in my fruit bowl. >:)

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