Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Easy Paper Ornament

Here's a neat project from our friends at design*sponge. It's super easy to do. You can even do it while watching TV (like I did). Then you don't have to feel bad about having nothing to show for that 30 minutes you zoned out in front of the boob tube. And... it's a paper project, are you shocked? >:)

Check it out! It's a Paper Ball Ornament!

Below is a picture of mine. I didn't use glue dots, I used a glue stick. I found that I had to paper clip all the pieces together (overnight) while the glue dried because they keep popping apart. I also used a can of chicken noodle soup as my circle template.

I think these would be really cute strung as a garland, don't you?

And that's all I've got because it's 2am and I need some shut-eye. Only 10 more sleeps to Santa! >:)

1 comment:

floresita said...

These are wonderful - I can't wait to try some, too! Thanks for taking part in the Feeling Stitchy Comment Expedition, and have a wonderful holiday!